Doing Massive tackles, playing basketball, or unplanned collisions? All the things that make sports worth playing also make it unpredictable particularly for the delicate shoulder joints.

Whether you play professionally or just once in a while, sports can put your shoulders at risk. But we’re not here to scare you away – far from it! We’re here tell you how to identify shoulder injuries, and what to do if you’ve got one, so that you can stay in the game.

Acute Shoulder Injuries can happen during everyday activities like washing, vacuuming, and gardening. However, if you answered yes to either of these questions, then you should immediately consult a qualified orthopedic surgeon for advice on the severity of your condition. Most common injuries in the shoulder involve only the muscles, tendons, or ligaments, rather than the connective bones. That's why they're called soft tissue injuries.

Risk factors of Shoulder Injuries

The symptoms of a Shoulder Injury normally involve pain and weakness in the arm or shoulder region. Pain usually occurs during mornings and evenings after long periods of sleeping. Weakness may be experienced if the injured arm is flexed at the elbow as well as rotated. The strength of the grip is also reduced as a result of the pain and weakness experienced in the affected area.

Treatment of Shoulder Injuries usually begins with a thorough examination of the shoulder area by the physician to rule out any structural damage. If there is indeed structural damage, the doctor will then have to rule out the bacterial infection that can cause nerve damage. After that, the patient will probably be prescribed a course of antibiotics. These will help to get rid of any bacteria that might be causing the pain and swelling. Also, anti-inflammatory medications will be prescribed to help control the swelling.

Complications after injury to rotator cuff and shoulders

If the initial treatment of shoulder injuries does not control the issue, then a podiatrist will then have to decide which of the different treatment options would be the most effective one for treating the shoulder injury. This can range from simple exercise to minor surgical procedures that involve, among other things splin are used to keep the joint in its proper place. Ultimately, it will depend on the severity of the injury, as well as the extent of the damage, to determine which treatment options will be prescribed.

The first treatment option that will be considered is to get a couple of splints or castions and to wear them for about 24 hours a day. This will keep the shoulder joints in their proper position. It is also important to follow the advice of the physician regarding any weight loss or changes in diet as this could make the shoulder problems worse. Also, avoiding overhead activities will help alleviate the shoulder problems to a large extent. Overhead activities include activities like throwing, reaching, swimming and much more.

When Shoulder Injuries Are Severe Shoulder injuries are sometimes more serious than just a simple strain or a tear in a muscle and will involve not only the muscle but also tendons and ligaments of the shoulder. If the damage is quite extensive then surgery might be necessary in order to repair the damage and regain full function of the shoulder. There are many different kinds of rotator cuff injuries that can occur in an upper arm. One of the most common causes of rotator cuff injuries is when the patient is lifting heavy objects with poor form."></iframe>

Severe Shoulder Injuries Are not due To negligence or carelessness On the other hand, serious shoulder injuries are not always caused due to some kind of action by the patient. The two things that can cause such injuries are arthritis in the hips and osteoarthritis of the knees. Both these disorders cause pain and inflammation in the shoulder and can cause permanent damage to the joints. Depending on how long the arthritis lasts will determine the kind of treatment that will be recommended by the doctor. For some patients with osteoarthritis may require physical therapy, while for others it may be sufficient to just get a couple of massage treatments.

New Treatment for Shoulder Injuries

Non-Surgical Treatment for Shoulder Injuries using stem cells is the best way to target inflammation, pain and discomfort but generally works best closet to point of injury. Its crucial to get a proper diagnosis right away. Any shoulder injuries should always be looked into by a doctor who is qualified to treat such cases. This is because some cases of shoulder pain and discomfort can be easily treated without having to go through more complicated procedures. The doctor will also be able to tell the exact cause of the pain and how severe the case actually is. This will help him/her recommend the right treatment options available for such a person.